Living Water
Treatment of Wine Effluent and Waste
In 1995 we were invited in by a French environmental consultant to help
her develop an ecological solution to wine effluent. This was needed
urgently given that traditional practices and conventional technology was not sufficient to
maintain water quality in the local rivers and meet European (EU) legislation for water quality. Given our experience with treating the
effluent from the whisky industry and having studied the effluent and practices
in a number of vineyards we decided to seek European funding to
develop a solution for vineyard effluent.
We received an EU grant for our project "Ecological Treatment and
Transformation of Effluent from the Drinks Industry into a Resource for Re-use, Irrigation and Land Reclamation". This involved studying whisky
and wine production processes in Scotland, Ireland, France, Greece
and Portugal for a period of one year to develop the solutions
This successful project led to an experimental treatment system being installed in
Chateau LaChapelle-Maillard, an organic (biodynamic) vineyard in
the Bordeaux region of south west France. This system consists of
a straw filter to remove solid material, three constructed wetlands in
series and a planted soakaway. This system has been monitored by
Centre Technique Interprofessionnel de la Vigne et du Vin (ITV)
located in Epernay, France.
Wine effluent is the result of cleaning the vats and machinery used
in the vinification process. While not an obvious pollutant, such
effluent contains sufficient sugars, alcohols and tartaric acid to constitute an
oxygen sink and hence a danger to the environment if discharged without
treatment. There are three distinct processes in the production of wine
and each produces its own pollutants.
To indicate the loading we will use the figure of chemical oxygen
demand, COD (the oxygen required to decompose a given sample, through chemical oxidation). Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) (
the oxygen required to decompose a sample biologically over 5 days)
in vineyard effluent is typically 50% of COD.
Grape Juice Extraction (grape harvest) and Pressing: During this
process stalks and leaves are removed; crushed grapes are stored in
vats to start the fermentation. Wine effluent is a result of
washing the equipment and consists mainly of skins, yeasts and sugars. Crushed grapes are pressed to extract juice, solids are sent
for distillation. The effluent is a result of washing equipment and
is mainly fermentation products. COD = 9,900 mg/l
Racking: During racking wine is decanted and the remaining liquor and
sediment has a COD = 5,300 mg/l
Removal of Tartrates: Crystals of tartaric salts that accumulate on the
walls of the vats is expressed as BOD5. A range is
expressed below:
35 kg soda = 42,500 mg/l BOD5. pH = 12.05
25 kg soda = 84, 670 mg/l BOD5. pH = 11.60
The average performance of the experimental wetland treatment system over nearly 3
years is 40 g COD / m2 / day while the peak
is 130 g COD / m2 / day. The system
consistently raised the pH. Our system has provided excellent results,
for one vineyard but we need to develop the system to understand
how to best size it so that it provides consistent results for
a range of wine effluents.
We are presently working in partnership with ITV and are building two
pilot systems near their laboratory to monitor and study the dynamics of
the wetland system during the treatment of wine effluent and to improve
the treatment system. We are also investigating the uptake mechanisms and
effectiveness of pesticides and herbicides removal by these plants. Two vineyards
have expressed an interest in having a full-scale experimental treatment
system that we will design and will also be monitored by ITV. These experiences will enable us to develop and fine-tune
our treatment system and ensure its effectiveness for champagne, white and
red wines which all produce different strengths of wine effluent.
We are presently working in partnership with ITV and are building two
Another effluent produced on vineyards that are not organic is the residual
pesticides or herbicides left in the containers and washing down from the
spraying machines. Sometimes this is carried out on the vineyard and
sometimes where the wine is produced which is not always at the
same location. This becomes another problem requiring treatment.
Surface Water Management and Treatment from Vineyards
Frost is another problem highlighted by ITV on our visit to the
Champagne region in France that is at the northern limit of wine
growing. During March and April pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers,
if required are sprayed onto the vines. Frosts also occur at
this time of year. Water is sprayed onto the vines in
order to keep the vines from freezing. This water washes off
soil contaminated with pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers into a nearby watercourse. This causes water pollution. In addition, when pesticides or
herbicides left in the containers and washing down from the spraying machines
occurs at the vineyard this becomes an additional problem.
Up front management of surface water on the vineyard itself is difficult
because of the intensity of farming and the proximity of the vines.
A Champagne vineyard owner has asked Living Water to install a system
to treat this contaminated run-off which flows into the Seine
River. ITV will collect data required, a survey of the
land, run-off calculations for soil and water, estimate
concentration of contaminants which will form the basis of the design.
During the pilot projects designed by Living Water the treatment of pesticides
and herbicides by a wetland system will be studied to provide a
framework for the design of the treatment system.